The Calendars Committee is not bringing HB1399 - this Legislative Priority #3 - to the floor for a vote. We Texans must make a difference! We must either show up in Austin on Monday, May 10, or contact all members of the committee and tell them that we want this bill to pass. It must arrive on the Governor's desk before the end of the session on May 31 for his signature.
If we want to protect children from having healthy body parts removed and from allowing physicians to provide them with irreversible puberty blocking drugs in an attempt to affirm a "gender identity" that rejects bodily reality, TX House Calendars Committee Chair Republican State Rep. Dustin Burrows and his committee members must move HB 1399 out of committee and bring it to the floor for a vote. Contact your state representative and senator. What a disgrace if we cannot protect Texas children who are being transitioned from their biological sex to the opposite sex. We must ban chemical castration, puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and genital mutilation surgery on all minor children for transition purposes.
So, please contact these gentlemen and ask that they get this bill to the floor for a vote immediately.
Chairman Dustin Burrows Room E2.722 512-463-0542
Governor Abbott 512-463-2000
Lt. Gov. Patrick 512-463-0001
Speaker Phelan 512-463-1000