The Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Chairman shares some lessons he learned while serving in the United States Army. "Leaders take responsibility, never credit."
Retired Lt Col West expresses his concern over the fallout of the severe winter weather we experienced recently and offers his condolences to those who lost family members. He concludes his Monday message with these words:
"The nine grid operators of ERCOT (Energy Reliability Council of Texas) should not have been in the position of seeing wind energy freeze and power demand rise with no recourse but to enact blackouts on Texans. That is the kinda stuff we expect from California, not Texas. Who made the decision to not require that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the ERCOT board even reside in Texas?
"We do not need any hearings, blame games, or obfuscation. All we need is for leaders to take responsibility — and not credit when they think everything is going okay — like getting a wind energy leadership award the week prior to wind energy failing Texas."
You can read West's complete message on leadership on this website. Click on Allen West right beside Home at the top of our page.