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Texoma Patriots January 2020 Newsletter

Updated: Apr 20, 2020

We send you wishes for a happy year filled with health, prosperity, love, and loads of fun! We look forward to sharing with you important ideas that will keep America safe and prosperous. Join us often during this extremely important election year. And, Happy New Year!

Our 1st event of the new year is Tuesday, January 14th.

We will meet at Grandy’s in Sherman, 3201 Texoma Parkway at 7 p.m.

Come early and dine before the meeting. We will be showing

Glenn Beck presents: The Democrats’ Hydra (part 1).

The Democrats have been searching for ways to impeach President Trump since before he was elected. The Ukraine situation just happened to be the first thing that gained enough political momentum to pull it off, and the House voted on two articles of impeachment: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The resolution states that Trump used the power of his office to solicit foreign interference in the 2020 presidential election by pushing Ukraine to announce investigations that could benefit his reelection campaign. It also charges the president with obstructing the House investigation by defying congressional subpoenas for documents and testimony relevant to the inquiry. (from PBS News Hour 12/10/19)

What do we know about the Ukraine? What do we know about the players involved in this process? “Oh! what a tangled web we weave …” and Glenn Beck helps us untangle it as he helps us understand the plot in his special. “As one falls, two more will take their place.” The Democrats have created a monster, an evil made of corruption and deceit that grows bigger with every new lie they tell. Beck and his team expose the lies and bring this monster to light -- because democracy really does die in darkness. He reveals the secret back-door arrangements between the Democrats and Ukraine that are threatening to destroy our democracy. It’s a “must see” production.

January 28, 2020 (Tuesday) LT COL ALLEN WEST will be our keynote speaker.

We hope you will join us as we welcome him to Van Alstyne! Allen West, a former congressman from Florida, announced he is running for Texas GOP chair, challenging current party leader James Dickey for the position. “I’m jumping back into this fray,” West said in a Facebook Live video. ”As I look ahead as to how I can continue my service to this constitutional republic and the great state of Texas, my family and I ... have decided to explore the opportunity to be the next chairman of the Republican Party of Texas," West said. “We need to have strong, principled voices — constitutional conservatives.” He noted he wants to “strengthen our families,” to “stand up for life,” and to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, among other things. Come early as Colonel West is scheduled to arrive at 6 p.m. His book will be for sale ($28). He will be there to sign his book and take pictures starting at 6.

The meeting will be held at

Buck Snort BBQ, 224 E. Jefferson St, Van Alstyne TX.

Doors open at 5. Meeting starts at 7. Jim offers us a special price for the buffet on meeting nights. Everyone is welcome. There is no charge to attend the meetings. Donations are appreciated.

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