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Call to Action - HB1686

Call to ACTION: Please go online today or Monday to support this bill! HB1686 by Rep. Tom Oliverson is being heard in the House Public Health Committee on Monday 3/27. We need YOU to tell your Lawmaker in the TX House that NO Child is Born in the Wrong Body. We must prohibit this medicalization of minor children and remind the healthcare establishment that they must #DoNoHarm & #LetThemGrow

Use this link, select HB1686, and register FOR the bill. Texas residents who wish to electronically submit comments related to this bill can do so until the hearing is adjourned by visiting:

Rep. REGGIE SMITH is on the Public Health Committee, and he is fighting to ban child gender modification! Please send him a note of encouragement as tomorrow is going to be a LONG and difficult day. Please also thank him for being one of the first House Reps to sign on as a co-author of this bill. 👍

Email: Reggie.Smith@House.Texas.Gov; Khiabet.Campos@House.Texas.Gov (his Legislative Director); (his Chief of Staff)

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