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What Do I Do About Impeachment?

Updated: Apr 20, 2020

It’s important for you to call, text, or send a tweet to your senators as this Senate trial begins.

Please call or text or tweet your Senators and tell them: “I do not support this politically motivated impeachment sham!”

Senator John Cornyn - DC: 202-224-2934  Local: 972-239-1310 @JohnCornynSenator Ted Cruz - DC: 202-224-5922  Local: 214-361-3500  @SenTedCruz

Whether your Senators are conservative or liberal, they need to know that you oppose this partisan impeachment.

Conservative Senators need to know they have their constituents’ support Liberal Senators need to know you oppose their partisan attempts to remove the duly elected President of the United States from office.

Democrats have been bound and determined to impeach President Trump ever since he won the 2016 election.  For them, the impeachment process has never been about facts.

Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler led the coup against President Trump in the House, and now Nancy Pelosi has named them to be “Impeachment Managers” in the Senate trial. This ensures they will continue to press their partisan tactics and talking points.

We need to continue to stand strong in our opposition to this impeachment sham.

Thank you for your activism!

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