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Writer's pictureKaaren T

Meet the Candidates - February 2nd

The Texoma Patriots invite you to meet with some more of the candidates running in the March 1st Primary Election.

Join us on for our last Meet the Candidates event on February 2 (Wednesday) at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6. The candidates speaking this evening are:

Trayce Bradford - running for TX Lieutenant Governor

Dan Thomas - running for US House of Representatives from TX District 4

We are again meeting at the Red River Cowboy Church, 3800 Hwy 691, Sherman - Exit 65 off Highway 75.

March 1 is Primary Election Day

Early Voting starts February 14

TODAY January 31st is the last day to register to vote or change your address for the March 1 election * * * * * Since the Primary Election is March 1st, we have invited candidates to meet with our community members. We can see them face-to-face and hear directly from them. It is during the Primary that we select the candidates to run in the General Election in November. We find the Primary to be where “We, the People” have the strongest voice in who represents us.

Each candidate will have up to 25 minutes to introduce him/herself, state his/her qualifications, identify what change or accomplishment they want to achieve if elected, and what makes him/her the best person for the job.

You will have the opportunity to meet local elected officials and candidates as well as fellow conservatives and other like- minded freedom loving Texans. There is no charge to attend our meetings. Everyone is welcome.

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